New Year, New Website Design Trends. Here Are 7 Trends To Watch For in 2019.

With the new year comes new website design trends. Is your website ready for the changing demands of your customers? Read this for 7 trends to watch out for in 2019!

Is your website ready for the roaring 20s?

It’s hard to believe we’re already in 2019, and before you know it, it will be 2020. The future of web design is already here.

You may be looking to step up your website’s game in the new year. But with so many options to consider, where do you even begin?

Start with what’s trending and leading the web design industry. Here are the top seven website design trends to look out for!

1. Custom Web Designing

In this day and age, you can find an array of website designs with the instant click of a mouse. Most of these designs are low-cost, easy to install, or free to use.

There is a downside to using a free website builder. Most of these designs are a dime a dozen. Your audience has likely come across similar layouts and design schemes.

Consumers gravitate toward businesses that are unique. With that said, custom website design is in, and free web design is out. To attract more clients this year, make sure your website tailors to the message you’re trying to send.

Custom web design can help with this, but it’s important to remember that it also goes beyond aesthetics and design scheme. Let’s dive into some more web design trends you should be on the lookout for.

2. Micro-Animation

Websites have longed used animation for logos, infographics, and other visuals. Still, there’s room between these elements to enhance a user’s experience:

The few seconds it takes to load one web page to the next. The way a page unveils its information instead of presenting it point-blank. What users see when they scroll their mouse over an icon.

These are only a few examples. Many websites have begun to use micro-animations to enhance these areas.

Micro-animations aren’t only meant to add aesthetic value to a website. Their main purpose is to convey a message through visuals rather than verbalization.

3. Mobile Responsive Design

Before jumping into more design trends, let’s mention a trend that still holds merit in 2019.

It’s expected that by 2020, there will be 6.1 billion smartphone users in the world. So, what does that mean for your website?

Consumers are using their mobile devices to find businesses more than PCs. Whether they choose to interact with a business hinges on their mobile experience.

How often do you click away from a website when you’re unable to get the information you need right away? You do the same thing whenever a website loads slow or doesn’t adjust to your cell phone.

Your target customer does the same thing as any other consumer. If you still haven’t adopted mobile responsive design, prioritize it on the top of your list in 2019. Because if your mobile website isn’t optimized, you could already be losing leads.

4. Voice Search Optimization

Not only are more consumers conducting online searches from their smartphone devices. With the rise of AI, voice searching has been on a steady incline. It’s even predicted that voice searching will comprise 50% of online queries by 2020.

Search engine optimization as we understand it now isn’t going away anytime soon. You should begin to move your website towards voice searching, or at least plan for it.

When it comes to voice searching and web design, short-form copy is the nature of the game. The information on your website should be enjoyable and to the point. Your audience wants concise, engaging information without having to sift through the frills.

Again, making use of mobile responsive design should be the first order of business. The longer your mobile audience stays on your website, the better your website will rank.

Short-form copy and the performance of your website all play into each other. But there are other website design trends that can keep your audience captivated.

5. Typography

Keeping the last web design trend in mind, you may begin to curtail your website’s long-form copy. As you do this, you can enhance your short-form copy visually. After all, humans are visual creatures, and we’re more likely to read something if we like the way the text looks.

Custom typography (or font) isn’t new. To hone in on your custom web design, go the extra mile with a font that’s unique to your company.

Not only will your audience think your website is all the more interesting with a custom font, but you can align your website’s typography with your brand. This will help you improve your brand awareness. 

6. Geometric Patterns & Brutalism

For years, minimalist designs have dominated the industry. But now, the clean, serene, and minimal aesthetic feels a bit overdone, and frankly, pretty boring.

Many websites are veering away from minimalism by adopting harsher and starker designs. Brutalism is a style of architecture that has even influenced website design. We’re seeing more of it embedded into HTML and CSS.

Brutalism is bold and block-like. There’s a fair amount of open space and grids, but even with a brutalist approach, there are avenues you can take as far as your website goes.

Geometric patterns will be bigger than ever in 2019. We’re talking polygons and triangles, and even rectangles if you want to be a true brutalist.

Brutalism and geometric patterns may not align with certain brands, but they work well for certain industries, like engineering and architecture.

7. Chatbots 

We’ve talked a lot about how the latest website design trends can enhance user experience. What can your website do for the user who wants to make that initial connection with you?

As we mentioned earlier, artificial intelligence is here. Chatbots are a form of AI you can incorporate into your website. 

If a customer has a question or an issue to address, your company can provide an immediate response with a chatbot. Many consumers actually prefer engaging with a chatbot rather than speaking on the phone. Because technology is improving, chatbots are able to better perform a handful of functions.

Rock the Latest Website Design Trends in 2019

How will you enhance your website and help it evolve to the changing times?

Your website is what stands between your company and your audience. Utilizing these seven website design trends will not only help put your company on the map. They’ll help you form a stronger foundation between you and future clients.

2019 is the year to take your company website to the next level aesthetically. It’s also the year to make sure your entire network has the support it needs. To learn more about how our IT solutions can help you, schedule a free consultation today.

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