Playing Catch-Up: How Does the Cloud Work and What Exactly Is It?

Do you feel left behind when people talk about the cloud? How does the cloud work? What is it? We’re answering those questions in this post.

With 2.5 quintillion bytes of data created every day on earth, we’re filling up servers faster than we could ever have imagined. With all of this data, there’s an increased need for access, leading companies to wonder “how does the cloud work?” and how it can work for them. If you’re new to the idea of storing and accessing data from remote locations worldwide, you need to get to know all about it.

Here is everything you need to know about the cloud.

Understanding the Terms

If you’re hearing the term “cloud computing” or “the cloud” being thrown around willy-nilly, you’re not alone. It’s become a shorthand descriptor for so many services that it might not seem meaningful. However, it delineates a specific space when it comes to how data is sent, stored, and secured.

Cloud computing is when computing services are delivered via the internet. For example, if there’s an online resource for editing photos only accessible by a website, then that’s an example of cloud computing. If you’re accessing applications that don’t live on your machine but whose data lives online and you’re using their processing to do work, then that’s in the cloud.

In a lot of cases, you’ll buy a subscription for pay as you access. Since they do all the storing of your data and keep it protected, your subscription fee pays for their server to keep running and stay backed up.

Because the data lives in a sort of nebulous place or could be on various servers across the globe, it’s considered to be “in the cloud”.

How It Works

Since you’re having other services handle all the infrastructural and technical aspects of your data, you get to focus on what matters. You don’t have to handle any lengthy installs, worry about updates, or stay on top of cybersecurity.

You don’t end up having to worry about owning or housing the tech needed for the data or the data center itself. Companies get the chance to rent access to an application or for access to storage with a cloud service provider.

Cloud computing services give firms the opportunity to use high quality IT infrastructure without the large upfront costs. There are no maintenance costs and instead of paying for full-time use, they get to pay as they go. The savings only grow over time.

Cloud computing services give firms of every size the opportunity to have access to these tools no matter what their scale. If they provide services to up and coming companies, they get the chance to build loyalty as those companies scale up.

Learn About Services Available

There are so many cloud computing options now to suit just about any budget and companies of any size. New companies don’t have to skimp on basic elements of running a company in the digital era. They the chance to use high quality and high-end services for a fraction of the cost.

If you’re running a small company but need serious processing power, storage capability, and network services, cloud computing is the way to go. Processing natural language and AI is much more accessible when you have cloud computing services.

Sing you don’t have to be close to the hardware you’re using at all times, it makes sense to put it on the cloud. When you have to control data via a terminal on your desk, that’s when you can’t go into the cloud. However, when the data is meant to be accessed from anywhere on the planet, the cloud is a great option.

You give your employees the chance to work remotely by keeping data in the cloud. You also give your customers the chance to access the data they keep with you via the interface that cloud service providers offer.

It’s Only Slated To Grow Larger

As more companies need to meet higher technical standards to make their customers happy, you’re going to need to be in the cloud this year. The infrastructure to support cloud computing is massive and accounts for a major portion of worldwide spending on IT. As connectivity improves and more processing is relegated to the cloud, some enterprises are even building their own private clouds.

While you don’t need to go so far as to network together with your own cloud yet, it could make sense in the future.

As more spending from companies is dedicated to hosting and cloud services, the amount of data companies store is exponentially bigger. Since customers are now storing their own data in the cloud, the multiplier is growing is major ways. More users are going to want to integrate data from one tool to another, requiring more infrastructure.

Spending on cloud services is going to increase non-stop as customer needs change. No matter what kind of services you provide, customers are going to demand that you store their data and you do the processing. They’re going to have smaller and more portable devices in the future, meaning that they need you to take control.

While the number of one-off products is cluttering the field, the best companies providing cloud services are emerging a head above the rest. As more vendors seek out cloud services to anticipate customer demands, it’s going to be mayhem until it’s clear what customers really want.

Wondering How Does The Cloud Work?

If you’re still wondering “how does the cloud work?”, you’re not alone in trying to unpack the meaning of this concept. There’s a lot of value to be found in the cloud if you take the time to get to understand how it can help your business. You’ll be saving thousands on a regular basis when you let go of handling infrastructure yourself and put it on the cloud.

If you want to make sure you’re giving the best to your customers, follow our guide to ensure your site is mobile friendly.

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